Does your project or event need a 501(c)3?

For a variety of reasons, many community groups or organizations do not want to acquire their own 501(C)3 status; the process is complicated and expensive or the project is temporary. At other times an organization has applied for tax exempt status but wants to be able to receive grant funding or accept donations before it receives its 501(c)3 designation; which can take many months. Fiscal sponsorship is a way for those groups and projects to qualify for grants and receive donations that require tax-exempt status while offering tax deductions to their donors. The San Juan RC&D offers fiscal sponsorship to qualified projects.

We Offer

Fast Approval

We want you to get started on your project so we work to approve your application within a week of receiving your application.

No Minimum Budget

We do not require a minimum budget. And if you don’t already have funding, we can help you find donors, sponsors or grants.

Low Administration Fees

The San Juan RC&D charges a 10% fee on all funds received through the SJRCD. We do not charge a fee for material or in-kind donations. We want you to spend your money on your project and we don’t charge any application fees.

Taxes and Payroll

We file form 990 with the IRS every year and that includes your project. We also handle payroll and payroll deductions and reporting.


Your approved project volunteers will be covered under our general liability insurance

Other Benefits

We also offer website development and maintenance, a Paypal “Donate” button to accept donations through your website or emails, and we will receive material and in-kind donations with no administration fee charged.